jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010


My favourite page related to my career is http://www.partohumanizado.com, because this website is about humanization of delivery. This is very important to me, because when I finish my career I want to put into practice. On this page you can find photos and information about humanization of delivery, activities, and something very important: witness.

I search at google "parto humanizado" and i found this page and in the last time I visit this page ones a week, because I love this topic and there are always new things.

In my opinion, the humanization of delivery is really important to create attachment to the future bonding between the mother, father and new baby. The humanization of delivery is a new practice that wants to implement in the hospitals of Chile, because this practice don’t intervene with the normal process of the delivery.

The humanization of delivery involves the physical care of the mother and her baby, and the emotional care of the mother, father and new baby.

Finally I recommend this page to other persons because they can learn a lot.

1 comentario:

    -once a week
    -this practice doesn´t
    -people not persons

