jueves, 1 de julio de 2010


Hi!! Today I have to talk about my blogging experience
When teacher says that we have to do a blog I don’t know how can I do it , because I don’t use this type of technology. But I felt it would be a challenge to write a blog.

I felt that improve my english every week because I have to learn new words and try to create a sentence with sense but generally I wrote a lot of nonsense sentences.
A good point is that I have to learn to communicate and post to my classroom.
I think that the advantages of doing the blog were that learn to using the technology and to communicating with other persons across the net.

Another point is that across this work I could improve or try to improve my grammar. Because, sometimes I don’t know how to use some words, for example, in general my typical mistakes are “to”, I find it hard to distinguish when I use “to”, and when not used. And other mistake that I have, is misspelled some words.

I like the possibility that can express my opinion in several topics like my career. And also is very interesting to know that think my classmates about our career, because although the same study we have different points of view.

In general I liked this new experience with blogs and technology. I am really happy for do it this course.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi!! Today I have to talk about my blogging experience
    When THE teacher says that we have to do a blog I don’t know how I CAN do it , because I don’t use this type of technology. But I felt it would be a challenge to write a blog.

    I FEEL THAT I HAVE IMPROVED my english every week because I have to learn new words and try to create a sentence with sense but generally I wrote a lot of nonsense sentences.
    A good point is that I have to learn to communicate and post to my classroom.
    I think that the advantages of doing the blog were that I learnT using the technology and to communicatE with other persons across the net.

    Another point is that across this work I could improve or try to improve my grammar. Because, sometimes I don’t know how to use some words, for example, in general my typical mistakes are “to”, I find it hard to distinguish when I use “to”, and when not TO used. And other mistake that I have, is I misspelled some words.

    I like the possibility that can express my opinion in several topics like my career. And also IT is very interesting to know WHAT MY CLASSMATES THINK ABOUT our career, because although WE STUDY THE SAME we have different points of view.

    In general I liked this new experience with blogs and technology. I am really happy for doING XX this course.

