jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010


when i entering study in this university, one of the things that was cost me more learn and master are the technological objects, such as computers, microscope, and data show; which were part of my learning process and that through sequence of interesting and entertaining anecdotes and situations became an important part of my day a day here in college.
i remember When I have my first class in the biologic lab almost die there because I dont`understand anything I see a lot of microscope and a type of glass with something stuck of them, thank god my dear teacher teach me how to use microscope and focus only the part that i need to see. That was my first experience with this sort of technology, because I used to use another kind of Technologies such us Internet or computer but in this case I never used power point to make any presentation I only used power point to write something casual, i remember When I have my first class in the biologic lab almost die there because I dont`understand anything I see a lot of microscope and a type of glass with something stuck of them, thank god my dear teacher teach me how to use microscope and focus only the part that i need to see. That was my first experience with this sort of technology, because I used to use another kind of Technologies such us Internet or computer but in this case I never used power point to make any presentation I only used power point to write something casual, this is very important because in our university the presentations in the all subject used to power point, and i don't know use this program.

I think that in university in general or or specifically at the university of chile the technologies take more importance due to the relevance that this will have when we have treat a patient or more enfocas in me career when I have to care delivery; for this reason whit the innovation currículum on my career the use of technologies has become a vital tool to improve our skills, for example, the development and widespread use of ultrasound has been vital to timely detect and treat pathologies that develop during pregnancy, so is very important that we as midwifery know and use the new technology.

Finally I think it is important to note that in the times we live in and with the facilities that give us the various technological tools, it is important to use the right way and with specific objectives, which aim to improve certain aspects of our lives.
One aspect that we have to understand and our teachers have to know is that we must focus on an important tool for the education are the new Technologies, be of vital importance to our future performance as a professional; this wiil be the most difficult challenge for the next genaration of professional because technologies change every day.

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Hello my dear writers today I am going to write about the importance of make any sport. When I think about the importance of doing any kind of sport, the first thing that comes to mind is the phrase "healthy body, healthy mind"
I was always a very sporty person, but when I come to college cost me much to balance my time so I can´t make anything. This situation cost me so much because I don’t feel good, sometimes I can´t wake up because I was so tired. I really think this was because I was not doing any kind of extracurricular activity
This semester I decided to come back to practice inline skating while at first I used to, now I feel I have more energy, more vitality.
Among the potential importance of sport, it is important to mention that in a country where the vast majority of people make weekly sports have risks of cardiovascular disease is greatly diminished. Besides the physical benefits that sports can generate noteworthy when one realizes that physical activity produces endorphins, a hormone responsible for a sense of wellbeing
I think it would be important that governments of all countries to engage in campaigns to promote the importance of age groups from children.
Some ideas that come to mind would be make some family runs where entire family is one for sports.
Last but not least I think it depends on the policies sports put in practice in our country and the social conscience of society take on the benefits of sports, as will the next generation of athletes in our country.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


Hello, on this occasion I will discuss some myths about the brain and my opinion about this.
For a long time, science believed that the maximum number of neurons was fixed at birth; unlike most other cells, neurons were not thought to regenerate and each individual.
For the past twenty years, findings have changed this view by revealing hitherto unsuspected phenomena: new neurons appear at any point in a person’s life (neurogenesis) and, in some cases at least, the number of neurons does not fluctuate throughout the lifetime. In relation for this, when i was studing in the school my teachers told me that the neurogenesis was impossible.
The synaptogenesis is intense in the very early years of life of a human being. If learning were to be determined by the creation of new synapses – an idea with some intuitive appeal – it is a short step to deduce that it is in the early years of a child when he is most capable of learning. Another version, more current in Europe, is the view that very young children must be constantly stimulated in their first two to three years in order to strengthen their learning capacities for subsequent life.
Other myth about brain is that “There are critical periods when certain matters must be taught and learnt”. It is known that adults are less capable of learning certain things. Anyone who starts to learn a foreign language later in life, for example, will in all likelihood always have a “foreign accent”.
I think like Dr. Maldonado, but the computer gives us many activities can never be equal to the capacity of the brain.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


Hello classmate!!
Today i will talk about my vision about abortion.
According to a study by “Le Monde diplomatique” (2008), each year in Chile about 160.000 abortions are performed wich means that one three pregnancies end in abortion. However, Chile is a few countries of World where the law remains the most absolute punishment, whatever the reason or circumstance which is carried out. Even therapeutic abortion is prohibited, a ban which was restored by Pinochet in 1989 after the referendum.
As a result of this legislation, the practice becomes illegal and therefore clandestine and unsafe abortion which transforms into a real problem of public health, social justice and human rights. Obviously, this seriously affects first, the women and dramatically, to the poorest among them.
From my point of view, it is right that abortion is considered illegal, because this baby didn’t ask to come into this world. I think that in general, people must take responsibility for their actions and act responsibly deal with that. Even in case of rape I agree with abortion, because I feel that the mother is double suffering: being raped, and take the life of an innocent person. I think that, in this occasion if the mother don’t care her baby the best option, for my, is the abortion.

I belive that in Chile, there are many alternative for avoid the pregnancy; for example, in the “consultorios”, to many women receive contraceptive, the only requirement is to attend the checks with the midwife.

In general, the abortion ocurrs principally in teenagers, constituting unwanted pregnancies, for this educating adolescents on prevention and birth control can prevent many unwanted pregnancies and death f innocent children as well as off mothers.

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010


Hello,today i will talk about dealing with stress.

First, the concept of stress goes back to the 1930’s, when a young Austrian 20 year old, medical student, noted that all the patients studied showed that common symptoms: fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc. This caught his attention and called it the "syndrome of being sick".

For the OMS, stress is "the set of physiological reactions that prepare the body for action." According to MINSAL, in Chile 1 in 4 people suffer from stress, as reflected in 30% of medical leave because of this.

There are many causes of stress among these are:
-Social: work, family, and other relationships.
- Biological: disease.
- Chemical, alcohol, snuff, drugs.
- Weather: cold, heat. Etc.

One or more of these factors can cause stress, and some of the symptoms that occur are tachycardia, trouble sleeping, change in appetite, nervousness, poor concentration, severe headaches, muscle aches, increased sensitivity to any situation.

It is very important to manage stress, because it has implications of varying severity, such as hypertension, tachycardia, bronchial asthma, hyperventilation syndrome, accelerating the development of infectious diseases, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, constipation, itching, excessive sweating, atopic dermatitis, alopecia, tics, tremors, muscle spasms, fears, phobias, personality disorders, drug use, etc.

To avoid these consequences, there are different ways to combat stress, and accept offers of help, do one thing at a time, know their own limits, not being too competitive, talk to someone, get away from stress, practice breathing slow using the bottom of the lungs, using relaxation techniques, etc.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Hello on this ocassion I will talk about the emergency contraception pill. In our country, Chile, this don’t accepted for the society, I think that mainly because the people don’t know about the emergency contraception pill.

I think that the people don’t know about this pill because they don’t search information, because there are many articles online, books, and doctor’s opinion about this topic, because this is a very controversial topic and that generated many polemic between church and government.

The emergency contraception pill, emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Emergency contraception, often called "morning after pill", are hormone pills that can be taken within 72 hours after having had sex without protection. Emergency contraception is most effective if taken as soon as possible after intercourse. But some studies have shown that even can run up to within 120 hours after intercourse. But based on my knowledge, after 72 hours from intercourses the pill promotes the development of the fetus, and therefore the pill doesn’t fulfil the function of preventing pregnancy. Despite all the studies that say the pill is not abortion, in my opinion for consider emergency contraceptive pill abortion first must consider at what point life begins.

In the papers, the Dr. Valenzuela talk about the effect of the pill, and between other things he says that the more hours pass from intercourse until the woman take the pill, it gradually loses effect. On the other hand, Dr. Croxato says the study by Dr. Valenzuela isn’t valid because it doesn’t explain the mechanism of action of the emergency contraception pill, and also still no consensus among scientist in relation to the effectiveness of the pill.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


Hello today I am going to write about my hobbies someone of them is cook sweet things like cakes, cookies, apple pie, I started to cook when I had 12 years old because my new nanny was a “master” in pastry and she teach me a lot, but the first time I don`t be very interested in cook. But She had so patience with me that I started so love cook.
I really think that no need any kind of skills for cook only you have feel passion, and put all your love in the preparation of different delights that are you doing.
When I start to cook I feel that I be in other world because i only think in how can I do the best cake for example.
Although in the previus text I wrote about dont have any skills I think that I discover someone like use in the right way my hands for shake something or learn to read instructions that others was write,
If I have to said to somebody how this hobbie develop my personality provable would say that I develop my patience, I stated to be more perfectionist and in the last but no less important I learned to cook to someone else and think in other person.
Normaly I cook alone because I concentrate more but I like cook listening some clasic music like Mozart. When My dear nanny teach me I had to cook with all my family in the kitchen and this was not easy because for cook you need to have some space and everything clean.
For every Christmas I cook cookies and I enjoy furnishing them with a lot of colors. When cookies ready I do some packages with a papa Noel in the cover and I give them to all my family members.