jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Hello on this ocassion I will talk about the emergency contraception pill. In our country, Chile, this don’t accepted for the society, I think that mainly because the people don’t know about the emergency contraception pill.

I think that the people don’t know about this pill because they don’t search information, because there are many articles online, books, and doctor’s opinion about this topic, because this is a very controversial topic and that generated many polemic between church and government.

The emergency contraception pill, emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Emergency contraception, often called "morning after pill", are hormone pills that can be taken within 72 hours after having had sex without protection. Emergency contraception is most effective if taken as soon as possible after intercourse. But some studies have shown that even can run up to within 120 hours after intercourse. But based on my knowledge, after 72 hours from intercourses the pill promotes the development of the fetus, and therefore the pill doesn’t fulfil the function of preventing pregnancy. Despite all the studies that say the pill is not abortion, in my opinion for consider emergency contraceptive pill abortion first must consider at what point life begins.

In the papers, the Dr. Valenzuela talk about the effect of the pill, and between other things he says that the more hours pass from intercourse until the woman take the pill, it gradually loses effect. On the other hand, Dr. Croxato says the study by Dr. Valenzuela isn’t valid because it doesn’t explain the mechanism of action of the emergency contraception pill, and also still no consensus among scientist in relation to the effectiveness of the pill.

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