jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


Hello classmate!!
Today i will talk about my vision about abortion.
According to a study by “Le Monde diplomatique” (2008), each year in Chile about 160.000 abortions are performed wich means that one three pregnancies end in abortion. However, Chile is a few countries of World where the law remains the most absolute punishment, whatever the reason or circumstance which is carried out. Even therapeutic abortion is prohibited, a ban which was restored by Pinochet in 1989 after the referendum.
As a result of this legislation, the practice becomes illegal and therefore clandestine and unsafe abortion which transforms into a real problem of public health, social justice and human rights. Obviously, this seriously affects first, the women and dramatically, to the poorest among them.
From my point of view, it is right that abortion is considered illegal, because this baby didn’t ask to come into this world. I think that in general, people must take responsibility for their actions and act responsibly deal with that. Even in case of rape I agree with abortion, because I feel that the mother is double suffering: being raped, and take the life of an innocent person. I think that, in this occasion if the mother don’t care her baby the best option, for my, is the abortion.

I belive that in Chile, there are many alternative for avoid the pregnancy; for example, in the “consultorios”, to many women receive contraceptive, the only requirement is to attend the checks with the midwife.

In general, the abortion ocurrs principally in teenagers, constituting unwanted pregnancies, for this educating adolescents on prevention and birth control can prevent many unwanted pregnancies and death f innocent children as well as off mothers.

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010


Hello,today i will talk about dealing with stress.

First, the concept of stress goes back to the 1930’s, when a young Austrian 20 year old, medical student, noted that all the patients studied showed that common symptoms: fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc. This caught his attention and called it the "syndrome of being sick".

For the OMS, stress is "the set of physiological reactions that prepare the body for action." According to MINSAL, in Chile 1 in 4 people suffer from stress, as reflected in 30% of medical leave because of this.

There are many causes of stress among these are:
-Social: work, family, and other relationships.
- Biological: disease.
- Chemical, alcohol, snuff, drugs.
- Weather: cold, heat. Etc.

One or more of these factors can cause stress, and some of the symptoms that occur are tachycardia, trouble sleeping, change in appetite, nervousness, poor concentration, severe headaches, muscle aches, increased sensitivity to any situation.

It is very important to manage stress, because it has implications of varying severity, such as hypertension, tachycardia, bronchial asthma, hyperventilation syndrome, accelerating the development of infectious diseases, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, constipation, itching, excessive sweating, atopic dermatitis, alopecia, tics, tremors, muscle spasms, fears, phobias, personality disorders, drug use, etc.

To avoid these consequences, there are different ways to combat stress, and accept offers of help, do one thing at a time, know their own limits, not being too competitive, talk to someone, get away from stress, practice breathing slow using the bottom of the lungs, using relaxation techniques, etc.